Ageless Aesthetics & Skin Care

Whole Health also includes the health of the skin you're in. If premature wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars or loose skin is affecting your self confidence and outlook on life, then something can be done to help.

The use of FDA-cleared Vivace RF Microneedling machine makes it possible to restore and rejuvenate skin of the face, neck, hands and stomach quickly and with very little if any downtime. Build a healthy collagen base and smooth textured skin through radiofrequency (RF) heat and microneedling. Add Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) or Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) along with microneedling for even longer-lasting results.

The concentration of your own growth factors and healing proteins in PRP/PRF speed up the process of regeneration of your skin at the cellular level for healing and vitality that lasts.

With our experts in Regenerative Medicine, Functional Medicine, and Anti-Aging Science, our doctors and nurse will give you specific strategies to help turn back your biological clock for a younger, more energetic you from the inside-out. True health is more than just skin deep; but your skin is a reflection of true health inside. 

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We would love to hear from you! At Whole Health Traverse City, we are committed to providing our patients with exceptional care and support. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. And don't forget to ask us about scheduling your Free 15-minute consultation phone call!